Thread: Labor Day Meal
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Labor Day Meal

Sqwertz wrote:
> While I usually do some sort of traditional BBQ spread, I got off way
> easier than you did this year. I had a couple Whoppers (extra pickle
> and add processed pepperjack cheese at home). I was hungry after not
> eating for a couple days, but really didn't want to cook anything.
> They tasted pretty damned good when you're hungry.

I do love the Whoppers. I bought them often when they put out the
buy one get one free coupons. Then about a year ago, they stopped
that deal and started with the 5 for 5 thanks.

Now they have the 2 for $6 deals for just whoppers. That's close
enough for me and I plan to buy a couple in the next few days. I
have been craving them as it's been well over a year since I had

I don't add anything to those. I like them just as they come.