Thread: Hurricane Irma
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

On 2017-09-05 6:41 PM, l not -l wrote:

> I am ashamed of the Republican Party for letting things degrade
> to this low; I am ashamed of the American voters who put this
> side-show clown in office. I am especially ashamed of American
> citizens who could have, but chose not to vote. And, I am
> saddened that the Democratic Party could not have put forth an
> alternative that was more palatable than what we ended up with.
> It is time to stop all the "my way or no way" BS and elect people
> who will work with others to accomplish more than division and
> hate.

He was chosen by the Republican party to be their presidential
candidate. Then it was the American people who voted that buffoon into
office. You can't blame that on a small number of party members, and
you can't blame the Democrats for not having selected a better opponent.
Many of us thought that the nomination of Trump made Hillary a sure thing.