Thread: Hurricane Irma
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 12:25:54 PM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-09-05 6:12 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> > On 9/5/2017 7:14 AM, Gary wrote:

> >> both you and dsi1 trying to put this on Trump? Unbelievable. Both
> >> of you sound like worthless housewives with no education at all.
> >> Your opinions here are worthless to me.
> >>

> >
> > The reality is that there's very little that the US can do. We pretty
> > much have to sit back and let Uncle Un make the first move.

> Is that your reality? The guy had been poking at the US for a long time.
> North Korea has been appeased a number of times and has been subjected
> to sanctions, but they keep working on their missiles and their atomic
> bomb programs. He has threatened to attack Guam and hinted at other US
> targets. Now he is bragging about having an H bomb and is preparing to
> launch another ICBM. It is hard to expect the US to will think it is
> just another test when there is the possibility that he will plunk an
> operational nuke onto it.
> >Obviously,
> > he's not going to attack anybody but he is having the time of his life
> > being on the center of the world stage. The wise move would be the same
> > move as when dealing with attention seeking trolls in this newsgroup.
> > You ignore them.

> The trolls in the groups are harmless. They can be ignored. This guy is
> a dangerous lunatic and ignoring him can lead to a catastrophe.

My dad worked on Guam and several atolls in the Pacific. He never talked about what they were doing there but rumor has it that it was a missile defence system. That would be pretty ironic if the work he was doing there saved our asses.

The Koreans are not to be trifled with. Anybody that has had some experience with them will understand this. They are not like regular Asians. They are a hyper-energy bunch that are liable to shoot first and ask questions later. I think they're all on speed. Don't **** with them!