Thread: Hurricane Irma
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Casa de Masa Casa de Masa is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

On 9/5/2017 5:11 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2017-09-05 6:41 PM, l not -l wrote:
>> I am ashamed of the Republican Party for letting things degrade
>> to this low; I am ashamed of the American voters who put this
>> side-show clown in office.Â* I am especially ashamed of American
>> citizens who could have, but chose not to vote.Â* And, I am
>> saddened that the Democratic Party could not have put forth an
>> alternative that was more palatable than what we ended up with.
>> It is time to stop all the "my way or no way" BS and elect people
>> who will work with others to accomplish more than division and
>> hate.

> He was chosen by the Republican party to be their presidential
> candidate. Then it was the American people who voted that buffoon into
> office.

Because the corrupt "what difference does it make anyway" Shillary would
have been so much *better* of a choice, right ya big dumb lug nut?

> You can't blame that on a small number of party members, and
> you can't blame the Democrats for not having selected a better opponent.


Why the HELL not????

She has more skeletons in her closet than Jason and the Argonauts!

They had serious talent, resume, and chops in Jim Webb and waved him off.

> Many of us thought that the nomination of Trump made Hillary a sure thing.

Many of you are absolute MORONS!

You more so than most.