Hurricane Irma
On Tue, 5 Sep 2017 22:41:58 GMT, "l not -l" > wrote:
>On 5-Sep-2017, Gary > wrote:
>> Janet wrote:
>> >
>> > Stop wittering about hurricanes, start worrying about your
>> > POTUS
>> > about to start a nuclear WW3 on twitter.
>> both you and dsi1 trying to put this on Trump? Unbelievable.
>> Both
>> of you sound like worthless housewives with no education at
>> all.
>> Your opinions here are worthless to me.
>As a proud Republican of 40 years, sadly a Republican of 50
>years; Trump is an abomination, unfit to be President of anything
>but, perhaps, the Kennel Club. He is a narcissistic, lying,
>misogynist buffoon with the attention span of ADHD Chihuahua on
>meth. His ability of deep thought could be measured only in
>fractions of a graphene sheet. He is neither a Conservative nor
>a Republican other than by self-labeling. When the party had
>reached its worst with the likes of Ted Cruz, Trump is the
>skid-marks in the dirty drawers of the worst the party had to
>His "base" are the ill-informed, the desperate dregs of
>capitalism run-amok, haters of all stripes and in-bred
>mouth-breathers that have to run in packs to put enough IQ
>together to exceed that of a rock.
>Which are you? Hater seems a strong contender, perhaps combined
>with either ill-informed or in-bred mouth-breather. Perhaps
>another question will help clarify; how many complete teeth do
>you have and what color are they?
>What this country needs is a real, moderate Republican who has
>the sense and ability to work with others to accomplish something
>other than hate and self-aggrandizement.
>I am ashamed of the Republican Party for letting things degrade
>to this low; I am ashamed of the American voters who put this
>side-show clown in office. I am especially ashamed of American
>citizens who could have, but chose not to vote. And, I am
>saddened that the Democratic Party could not have put forth an
>alternative that was more palatable than what we ended up with.
>It is time to stop all the "my way or no way" BS and elect people
>who will work with others to accomplish more than division and
You forgot jealous, needy Bully. But, otherwise, Good Job!
Janet US