Thread: Hurricane Irma
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

"Cheri" wrote in message news
"Bruce" > wrote in message

> The troll is easily killfiled, but I don't understand why seemingly
> sane people talk normally to this abusive stalker creep. Some people
> just have no standards, I guess.

Or simply refuse to have others here define the standards for them. I'm
still responding to you too even though you have been called a troll many



Yes I agree! If we all had to follow everyone who said someone should not
be responded to ... if you see what I mean ... there would be no posts at

All we can do, is accept that some don't get along and respond to whomever
you want to. There are some in my killfile but others respond to them quite

As I said, there would be no posts at all.
