Thread: Hurricane Irma
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 09:54:32 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Bruce" wrote in message news >
>On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 09:29:05 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>>"Cheri" wrote in message news >>
>>"Bruce" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> The troll is easily killfiled, but I don't understand why seemingly
>>> sane people talk normally to this abusive stalker creep. Some people
>>> just have no standards, I guess.

>>Or simply refuse to have others here define the standards for them. I'm
>>still responding to you too even though you have been called a troll many
>>Yes I agree! If we all had to follow everyone who said someone should not
>>be responded to ... if you see what I mean ... there would be no posts at

>I'm only talking about one person.
>>All we can do, is accept that some don't get along and respond to whomever
>>you want to. There are some in my killfile but others respond to them
>>As I said, there would be no posts at all.

>I'm only talking about one person. If you don't have a problem with
>that person, you have no standards. You and a few others.
>Bruce, you have mentioned several people. Are you saying that everyone must
>follow whatever you do and say?
>It won't happen. That is the problem with an open group like this. I bet
>some folk don't act in RL as they do here and if you are so upset then stick
>them in your kf. You must know the problems I have had with certain
>posters, but you still respond to them. Should I call you out and say you
>have no standards. I guess you will do whatever you wish!
>Now, back to cooking or will I be shoved in your kf?

Let's put it this way: if someone said the things to you or Cheri that
this person says to Lucretia today or to me or to others all the time,
I wouldn't be chummy with them.

And of course I'm not telling you or anyone what to do. But I'll
comment on it.