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Hurricane Irma
On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 15:59:47 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"Cheri" wrote in message news
>"Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> "Bruce" wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Tue, 5 Sep 2017 19:21:58 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> wrote:
>>>"Bruce" > wrote in message
>>>> On Tue, 5 Sep 2017 19:09:28 -0700, "Cheri" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Or simply refuse to have others here define the standards for them. I'm
>>>>>still responding to you too even though you have been called a troll
>>>> I don't stalk people, I don't call people names, I'm not nasty to
>>>> people. There is no comparison.
>>>You don't consider calling someone a *bitch* to be name calling? Also, you
>>>have been nasty to people on many occasions, but maybe you have a
>>>idea of what constitutes nasty. At any rate, take care of your own posts
>>>you will have plenty to do without worrying about who others respond to.
>> Did I once call someone a bitch? If you say so, but I don't make a
>> habit of offending people.
>> Not speaking up when someone misbehaves badly in public, is nothing to
>> be proud of. It's enabling and cowardly.
>> ==
>> Or just tiring If someone want to control who posts to whom, they are
>> going to be a very frustrated and disappointed.
>> People who are so upset need their own moderated group. I will respond to
>> anyone I wish and all another can do is kf me.
>To say nothing of the fact that most don't respond to filthy posts from
>anyone, including Sheldon, but many of the so called troll posts have good
>information and recipes which I will always respond to, unlike a few of the
>hateful regulars who seem intent on hassling others over everything.
>Exactly! They should look at their own behaviour before criticizing others.
>There doesn't seem to be too much cooking any more.
>But watch them jump around with joy if they think they can join in a with a
>bitching mob.
>I am not interested
You join in with the foulest one person bitching mob there is. H y p o
c r i s y.