Thread: Hurricane Irma
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Hurricane Irma

"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Wed, 6 Sep 2017 14:19:34 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"Bruce" wrote in message
.. .
>On Wed, 06 Sep 2017 07:17:38 -0300, wrote:
>>I thought O and I were friends until I read a diatribe on here that
>>put a quick end to that.
>>There's one set of rules for Cheri and O and quite another for
>>everybody else!! Watch your back.

>Clearly. I misjudged them.
>Was that Lucretia complaining about me!!! For information *I* put as stop
>speaking to HER because I was sick of HER diatribes !!!!!!!!!!
>*I* put her in my killfile and if she says anything different she is a
>bloody liar!!!!!
>Lucretia you and I know the truth!! I don't know how you can live with
>yourself. I can see that I did the right thing. You are not worth it.
>Now, any more for any more????
>Anybody else want to bully me??? Go ahead but you won't stop me from doing
>what *I* want to do, so **** off into your moaning. Trust me, you are not
>important enough for me to care about
>There is nobody here here is so innocent and grand that they can boss
>anyone around and force others to do they want. Others have tried it
>and it didn't get them very far either.
>You need to look in the mirror, both of you.
>I can't say I am surprised at Lucretia but I am surprised at you Bruce! We
>always spoke to each other regardless of others causing trouble. Well,
>enjoy your new friendships, they ought to be fun

Yes, I always liked you and I still do. Everybody has their weaker
moments at times


Hmmmm ... ....
