Thread: Envelope tuna
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Default Envelope tuna

On Thu, 7 Sep 2017, Cheryl wrote:
>In my fridge the only things in glass jars are capers (kind of
> too smallto save and reuse but I might reconsider), and thinking
> ... that's about it. I get what you guys are saying because I
> probably wouldn't wash and reuse the plastic ones.

A lot of food products are still in glass, sauces, condiments of all
kinds, even maraschino cherrys. Soy/hot sauce is in glass but they
are already changing over to plastic. I buy Kikkoman soy sauce in
bulk size to refill my small glass bottle but now the bulk size (qt)
is plastic, an omen that soon the small sizes will be in plastic.
Vinegars are now in plastic, I've saved the smaller glass ones to

I wash the small jars, they take little storage space and come in
handy for all sorts of storage including spices but not only food
items; they are good for small nails, nuts & bolts, paper clips,
thumbtacks, safety pins, etc., even buttons, whenever a garment
becomes a schmatah I snip off the buttons/findings (hooks n' eyes,
snaps, etc.) and save them, buying buttons and millinery items can be
expensive and older styles can be difficult/impossible to find. Buying
small glass jars can also be expensive so I don't throw them away.
Over the years I've received gift packs that contained tiny jars of
jams/jellies, they were awful so I tossed them but kept the nice
little jars. I received teh latest Lee Valley catalog yesterday and
saw this, nice small jars but check those prices, and they are
I save tall narrow olive jars instead.