Thread: Envelope tuna
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Default Envelope tuna

On Thu, 07 Sep 2017 09:12:41 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>>>> notbob wrote in

>>>> THere is a classic article where a young teen is being nasty to an
>>>> older person abut how her generation has to pay for the older person's
>>>> not being green but the facts were, the older folks didn't live in a
>>>> disposable economy and most things were reused.

The most unlikely things were recycled when I was a kid. There was no
tape for parcels then and if you received one it was tied up with
string, carefully, tightly knotted. My grandmother used to sit one of
us down to unpick all the knots (sacrilege to even think of cutting
the string) until it would open. If I saw the postman had a parcel
with him, I made myself scarce so one of the others would have to do