Thread: Latest Irma..
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Latest Irma..

On 2017-09-07 5:36 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 11:27:06 AM UTC-10, Thomas wrote:

>> Insurance pays in death. If you stay or go the insurance from ahem..a reputibal co may pay. Some not.

> They surely hate paying out. Those guys are slimy thugs. Mostly, they won't return/take your calls. I've found out that threatening them with being liable if one's business goes under is a very effective strategy.

Not always. A few years ago I had a huge branch fall on my roof, and I
mean huge. It was more than 50 feet long and the thick end of it was
more than 2 feet in diameter. It punched a couple holes in the roof,
ripped of eavestroughs, down spouts, fascia and soffits and more. There
was $24,000 in damage. My agent and the insurance company were extremely
helpful. The sent a tree company out to cut up the branch, which was
bigger than many trees. The guys were there within an hour, and it was a
cold, windy day. The contractor came mid afternoon. They had a roofing
company there within an hour to tarp it and the repairs were done within
a week, including the repair to the hole punched through the stucco
wall. The guy managed to patch it so that you can barely tell where the
repair was.