Thread: Latest Irma..
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jinx the minx jinx the minx is offline
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Default Latest Irma..

Janet > wrote:
> In article <2123683910.526506322.923735.jinxminx2-
> >, says...
>> Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 9/6/2017 11:59 AM,
>>>> If you live in Florida, GET THE **** OUT, NOW!!
>>>> Latest prediction is for Irma to turn north and skirt up the east
>>>> coast of Florida, staying at Cat 3 or greater ALL the way up to
>>>> Georgia!!
>>> My daughter just got a notice they may have to evacuate in the next
>>> couple of days but she is right on the Manatee River, a few hundred
>>> yards from the bank. They just moved there in June but have flood and
>>> hurricane insurance though.

>> Our other house is on the water near there too, just north of Bradenton.
>> By on the water, I mean the bay is our back yard. We are Zone A, with
>> "voluntary" evacuation beginning tomorrow morning at 7am. DH is on a plane
>> right now, heading down to shutter up the house and move furniture higher
>> up. I would like him to get the hell out and come home Saturday before it
>> hits, but at least he is getting a hotel room further north where there
>> won't be flooding for Sat and Sun night. My chest already hurts from
>> worrying.

> Sorry to hear that.
> Janet UK

Thanks. We have been told to expect flooding for sure. I just pray no
storm surge happens. I didn't even know what a "storm surge" was until a
few days ago. Thanks, Wikipedia. Furniture has been moved and stacked,
and today the hurricane shutters are going on. We just had our sea wall
replaced not even 2 weeks ago, and thank God for that because the old one
was a ticking time bomb waiting for one good storm. It never would have
held up. Crazy as it sounds, I wish I was there to help DH, but I'd have
to bring DD too and that's just too risky. So, I sit here and fret.

jinx the minx