Thread: Tomatoes
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Default Tomatoes

On Sat, 09 Sep 2017 17:35:59 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Sat, 09 Sep 2017 18:07:28 -0400, wrote:
>>On Sat, 9 Sep 2017 16:14:19 -0500, Sqwertz >
>>>On Sat, 09 Sep 2017 15:16:36 -0400,
>>>> Tomatoes are finally ripening:
>>>> Hundreds more to ripen. . .
>>>Picked too early.
>>>There's nothing like a warm, vine-ripened tomato fresh out of the
>>>garden sprinkled with garlic salt and eaten like a very wet apple.
>>>I wouldn't eat any of those tomatoes right now (maybe those three in
>>>back right). Even Booger King wouldn't use those tomatoes until they
>>>were artificially ripened. What a waste.
>>>I congratulate you on growing your own. But harvesting them early
>>>defeats the whole purpose of doing so.

>>Weather dictates... some years here its either harvest early or lose
>>everything to frost... obviously you don't do any gardening. Texass
>>farmers I'm sure are hustling to save what they can from Harvey... I
>>doubt Florida will save much if anything from Irma. I suspect a lot
>>of produce will be in short supply this winter, and prices will be

>From blossom set to harvest of tomatoes is 45 days. Are you expecting
>frost in the next week or so?
>Janet US

I've posted several times that I lost the first month of growing
season due to low temps and constant rain, and that it's been a summer
of nights in the low 50s and more rain. There have been nights here
in the 40s and a few nights in the mid 30s

People here are lucky to have any tomatoes, I'm one of the few here to
have some. And I'm very happy to have people take my excess crops, a
lot better than the composter. M y next door neighbore was glad to
swap some of his potatoes and garlic for my tomatoes. A lot of my
tomatoes have already been swapped for honey, and I'll soon reap some
maple syrup. Farming folks aren't greedy. we'd much rather gift our
excess than compost. I've given away many pounds of plums, and have
already recieved a couple jars of delicious plum jam and plum chutney.
I still have like five pounds of plums in my fridge, I'm tired of
eating them. I'm already tired of stuffing myself with tomatoes...
today I prepared a huge salad of tomatoes, lettuce, cukes, etc, I
could only eat half, the rest is in the fridge and I hope I can choke
it down tomorrow.

Anyway canned tomatoes are cheap, and a whole lot easier. I long ago
figured out that cooking home growns is as stupid as stupid can get. I
don't do vegetable gardening to save money, that would be ludicrous,
it costs 3-4 times more to grow a home garden than to buy
produce at the local stupidmarket. I actually grow corn to have corn
stalk decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving... at 4 large perfect
ears for a dollar at the local farm stand is far less costly than
growing my own wimpy wormy corn. And we're not such big fans of corn,
more than half our puny ears went out in the yard to treat the crows,
skunks, and possums. The farm stands charge rediculous amounts for
small sheafs of corn stalks, so I grow my own... they actually charge
more for dried corn stalks than for corn.