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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Worry About Florida Farmland Advances Along With Irma

On 2017-09-10 9:16 AM, Gary wrote:
> "U.S. Janet B." wrote:
>> What has amazed me, is the temperature of the water in the Gulf --
>> 90F? What the heck kind of fish and sea life likes water that
>> temperature?

> I doubt many do. That said, if you've ever swam in a lake, bay or
> ocean, you don't have to dive very deep before the water temp
> drops quickly. That 90F is surface temperature. In that case,
> fish will go deeper to hang out and bottom dwellers will move
> offshore a bit to deeper water. Oysters are stuck where they are
> and just have to tough it out.

We have very diverse wild life on the planet. Those critters aren't tied
down to a house and a job so, in theory, they are free to come and go as
they please, so that makes you wonder why some of them live where they
do. There are species of seals that live in the polar regions. Musk oxen
live in the far north. Polar bears are related close enough that they
can cross breed, but the polar bears stay in the north.