Thread: dried veggies
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default dried veggies

"Bruce" wrote in message ...

On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 07:40:29 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>For a first time try at dehydrating, I would advise him to do it
>with his oven. It's very easy to do. If he likes the results and
>decides to do it often then I would go for a dehydrator. I
>occasionally dehydrate some vegetables but not often enough to
>warrant paying for a separate appliance.

There are cheap dehydrators available, but I don't know how good they
are and how long you have to let them run.

>This reminds me of the debate about buying a rice cooker. I
>rarely cook rice and stovetop method is so easy and has never
>failed me. If I had a large family that ate rice often, I would
>probably pay for a cooker.
>Same for me here about a meat grinder. Would be nice to have but
>I never use enough ground beast to warrant paying a couple of
>hundred $$$ for one. Not only that, the rare times I have it, I
>can always buy the meat and have the grocery store grind it for
>me (they do this on request for free).

We bought an expensive Excalibur dehydrator because I thought I could
also make tempeh with it, which it can do but not very well because it
doesn't have a thermostat. So now I'd like to find good other uses for
it to make the purchase worthwhile. It makes great dehydrated chillies
for starters. I don't know if they'd come out of the oven as good.

I agree that you need to have a lot of use for it to make it


Hey, I have an Excalibur too)
