sf wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Sep 2004 01:47:31 -0400, "Bob (this one)"
> > wrote:
>> > still in use, unlike your "Lodge" skillets.
>> This is astonishing.
> Not really.
>> What do you want? Shall I say your ideas about
>> cast iron are infinitely superior to mine? Shall I say that your
>> infallible understanding far exceeds anything I've ever been able to
>> see? Your brilliance borders on, um, brilliant? I only say this
>> because you seem to know what has become of my "Lodge" skillets. I
>> really like those "quotes" around "Lodge" as though they imply some
>> flaw or something.
> I put those quotes around "Lodge" because you felt you had
> to proclaim a brand which I think is... silly, stupid <your
> choice> to proclaim unless you're hawking the brand.
Could you be more dense? Hawking? I mentioned the kind we used. It was
data for the purpose of identification. Lodge is the most commonly
sold brand in the US and is thus a benchmark for anyone else reading
this. What brand are the ones you use? Oh, wait. If you said it would
be "hawking" them. Right.
But it certainly is instructive to watch you construct this sort of
crap logic and gas-based opinions merely to be taking shots. I find
your effort to inject this smarmy bit of snottiness "silly, stupid
<your choice>."
Here, hawk this...
>> We used skillets. Some warped and some cracked. Most did just fine. We
>> used *hundreds* of skillets over the years. You've used what, four?
> Yean, my 5 have lasted. In fact 3 of the 5 were inherited
> and came via my mother from my grandmother, probably my
> greatgrandmother. You, on the other hand, kill 10 out of 60
> pans per year.... that's not a good track record for you or
> a plus in the Lodge column.
And your bullshit-based opinions ring through the halls. Do you think
it's likely that *all* your pans haven't been used as much as any one
of ours?
We used each pan probably a thousand times in each year (we used them
for all 3 meals in the restaurant, 2 meals in the bar and for some of
our 6 or so banquets every day). On commercial stoves that likely turn
out more heat from one burner than your entire stove does. That 10 out
of 60 means that each pan on average was used more than 5,000 times.
Cold to hot very quickly, onto a pewter liner to sizzle while being
delivered, to table, to dishwasher back to kitchen for reuse - 365
days a year.
Given the amount of use and the uses to which they were put, I'd say
they did a fine job. Cheap, attractive, effective, replaceable. No one
with a grain of sense judges restaurant conditions and effects by
home-cooking criteria.
>> I'm sure you must be very proud of your skillets. They braved the
>> fierce heat of the oven to press on for truth, beauty, motherhood and
>> corn bread. Never deterred from their appointed rounds and striding
>> purposefully into the future in spite of your bizarre treatment of
>> them. Clinging to their mission to cook and provide for the masses. A
>> part of the family to be cherished and stuck in a very hot oven for
>> some strange reason.
> Yours fall apart and mine don't.
<LOL> Fall apart...
Like your opinions...