Thread: dried veggies
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default dried veggies

"Bruce" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 10 Sep 2017 07:40:29 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>For a first time try at dehydrating, I would advise him to do it
>>with his oven. It's very easy to do. If he likes the results and
>>decides to do it often then I would go for a dehydrator. I
>>occasionally dehydrate some vegetables but not often enough to
>>warrant paying for a separate appliance.

> There are cheap dehydrators available, but I don't know how good they
> are and how long you have to let them run.

I had the Nesco. It was fine except that it was small and if you were doing
a lot of stuff, you needed a lot of extra trays. The Excalibur is the one
everyone really wants because it is so very huge! But... You do have to have
a lot of room in your kitchen or wherever you use it. It is best for someone
with a large garden, who makes a lot of jerky or needs a lot of stuff for
camping. For one snack food, the small one is fine, perhaps plus a couple of
extra trays. Should come with a booklet of suggested time and temps to use.
But it's more a matter of trial and error. Pretty easy to tell when
something is fully dehydrated and it's not like cooking. Can't really
overdehydrate something unless perhaps you are doing a raw recipe like onion
bread where you might want it soft.