Thread: Latest Irma..
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Default Latest Irma..

On Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:43:19 -0500, jinx the minx
> wrote:


>Well, it's almost over except the shouting. We were in direct line of the
>eye when it hit Naples (2 hours south of us), but then it changed course
>and headed more north and over land, which saved us. If it had continued
>up the coast past Ft. Myers as projected, it would have been immeasurably
>bad for us. We know from our camera feed that we lost power about 8:30pm
>last night, so it was an arduous waiting game through the night and into
>this morning wondering if the 8-10 ft storm surge tsunami that was expected
>to hit around 4am happened. Luckily it didn't, or we would have lost the
>house without a doubt. Our neighbors with a key to the house said the roof
>is intact and no damage to the house. We lost palm trees and bushes as
>well as our dock and boat lift, but that's wonderful news considering that
>as the hurricane got closer and closer, our picture looked bleaker and
>bleaker. We still don't have power, but hopefully they'll get that
>repaired soon. I'm happy to have an excuse to clear out everyone else's
>food taking up space in my freezer, if you know what I mean. Not that I
>don't appreciate the "kind" gesture from our friends and family that stay
>there when we are not...

Good to hear all is relatively well, just asked you in another thread.
Would you by any chance know how it went for Sanibel Island, we spent
many happy weeks in a condo there several years ago, very beautiful.