Thread: BN update
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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default BN update

On Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:30:09 AM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> There have ben a couple of TV shows featuring someone that tries to east
> an enormous amount of food. Some restaurants have a challenge as a
> publicity thing. "Man Meets Food" or something like that was one. I
> bet BN could make a career of it somehow.

The only competition I've seen is when my son's vegan friend tried to eat a 5lb burrito within 30 minutes. I left the sporting arena when it started because 1) I figured he wouldn't be able to do it and 2) Nothing much was going to happen at the early stages. When I came back 20 minutes later, it was long over. The vegan pretty much hit that ball out of the park. The prize was the burrito for free and, I think, a T-shirt.

In Japan, "Super Eaters" are media stars. Typically, you have to be a female under 100lbs and cute.