Latest Irma..
Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> On 9/11/2017 1:43 PM, jinx the minx wrote:
>> Well, it's almost over except the shouting. We were in direct line of the
>> eye when it hit Naples (2 hours south of us), but then it changed course
>> and headed more north and over land, which saved us. If it had continued
>> up the coast past Ft. Myers as projected, it would have been immeasurably
>> bad for us. We know from our camera feed that we lost power about 8:30pm
>> last night, so it was an arduous waiting game through the night and into
>> this morning wondering if the 8-10 ft storm surge tsunami that was expected
>> to hit around 4am happened. Luckily it didn't, or we would have lost the
>> house without a doubt. Our neighbors with a key to the house said the roof
>> is intact and no damage to the house. We lost palm trees and bushes as
>> well as our dock and boat lift,
> Good for you. Still some loss but you have a place to live.
> I heard from my kids. Son never lost power until today. Probably cut
> while they do repairs elsewhere for safety. Daughter went to her place.
> No power but no flooding so they will be ok too.
That's great news!
jinx the minx