Thread: dried veggies
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default dried veggies

"RichD" wrote in message

On September 10, Ophelia wrote:
>> I've been munching on dried parsnips,
>> tasty, healthy, sugarless, can't beat that!

>> But they recently discontinued that product, so I'd like
>> to take a stab at home made. Anybody have any experience
>> on this type of thing?

> I have a dehydrator but I know you can dry stuff in an oven.

Never used one.
Something like, slice up the vegetable, toss in the dehydrator,
as easy as that?

YES it is.

> Ok I just looked this up for you, but I don't know how good it is:

The traditional method, so to speak -

That reminds me of a solar energy convention I attended,
some years ago. One exhibitor displayed various metal dishes,
which cooked via reflectors and focusing elements. On a sunny day,
they grew hot enough to boil oil!

Those might be ideal for sun-dried vegetables - I merely
have to remember the company's name, or find their brochure -

