Thread: Latest Irma..
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Default Latest Irma..

Ophelia > wrote:
> "jinx the minx" wrote in message
> ...
> Ophelia > wrote:
>> "jinx the minx" wrote in message
>> ...
>> jinx the minx > wrote:
>>> Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>> On 9/6/2017 11:59 AM, wrote:
>>>>> If you live in Florida, GET THE **** OUT, NOW!!
>>>>> Latest prediction is for Irma to turn north and skirt up the east
>>>>> coast of Florida, staying at Cat 3 or greater ALL the way up to
>>>>> Georgia!!
>>>> My daughter just got a notice they may have to evacuate in the next
>>>> couple of days but she is right on the Manatee River, a few hundred
>>>> yards from the bank. They just moved there in June but have flood and
>>>> hurricane insurance though.
>>> Our other house is on the water near there too, just north of Bradenton.
>>> By on the water, I mean the bay is our back yard. We are Zone A, with
>>> "voluntary" evacuation beginning tomorrow morning at 7am. DH is on a
>>> plane
>>> right now, heading down to shutter up the house and move furniture higher
>>> up. I would like him to get the hell out and come home Saturday before
>>> it
>>> hits, but at least he is getting a hotel room further north where there
>>> won't be flooding for Sat and Sun night. My chest already hurts from
>>> worrying.

>> Replying to my own post in order to thank everyone for their thoughts and
>> prayers. It's been a rough day. They upgraded our zone to mandatory
>> evacuation by tonight, so now there's nothing left to do but wait and
>> pray.
>> DH was able to catch a last minute early flight out of Tampa to Atlanta,
>> and found a hotel room a half hour outside of the city. Atlanta is sold
>> out everywhere, and car traffic is backed up throughout all of Florida and
>> up past Atlanta. He installed a camera inside the house, so we'll be
>> able
>> to see if the hurricane shutters over the wall of windows on the bay side
>> hold up, assuming we don't lose power and utilities first.
>> jinx the minx
>> ==
>> Be safe and report back when you can!

> Well, it's almost over except the shouting. We were in direct line of the
> eye when it hit Naples (2 hours south of us), but then it changed course
> and headed more north and over land, which saved us. If it had continued
> up the coast past Ft. Myers as projected, it would have been immeasurably
> bad for us. We know from our camera feed that we lost power about 8:30pm
> last night, so it was an arduous waiting game through the night and into
> this morning wondering if the 8-10 ft storm surge tsunami that was expected
> to hit around 4am happened. Luckily it didn't, or we would have lost the
> house without a doubt. Our neighbors with a key to the house said the roof
> is intact and no damage to the house. We lost palm trees and bushes as
> well as our dock and boat lift, but that's wonderful news considering that
> as the hurricane got closer and closer, our picture looked bleaker and
> bleaker. We still don't have power, but hopefully they'll get that
> repaired soon. I'm happy to have an excuse to clear out everyone else's
> food taking up space in my freezer, if you know what I mean. Not that I
> don't appreciate the "kind" gesture from our friends and family that stay
> there when we are not...
> jinx the minx
> ==
> What a relief!!! That is very good news and I am very pleased)
> Do you get a lot of frights like that where you live?
> Thank you for the report))

We get a lot of storms in the summer, but this was our first big hurricane.
We've only owned the house for 3 years, so I am sure there will be plenty
more to come in the future. Well just hold our breath that Jose doesn't
come our way, and there won't be any more for the rest of this hurricane

jinx the minx