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Default Fresh Tomatoes !

Terry Coombs wrote:
> * And just enough - mostly Roma - for a double batch of pizza sauce .
>It's simmering on the back burner even as i type this - I'll post the
>recipe if any one wants it . I'll let it mellow overnight then make
>pizza tomorrow . I'm not sure just how much I use per pie , whatever is
>left will be divided up into appropriate quantities and frozen for later
>use . The sauce is what takes the time , I simmer it for at least 3 or 4
>hours . Dough is easier , only needs to be handled briefly twice after
>measuring into the bread machine .

Pizza sauce should be cooked very minimally... simmer fresh very ripe
Romas just enough to pass through a food mill to remove skins and
seeds, season and place on pizza, sauce will cook in the hot oven.
Cooking tomato sauce for hours will cause it to caramelize, won't
taste like tomatoes, won't even be red... then placing it in a hot
oven for pizza it'll become burnt. Most people over cook tomato sauce
for pasta too... there're a lot of 'talians afflicted with severe