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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Fresh Tomatoes !

"Cindy Hamilton" > wrote in message
On Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 3:36:40 PM UTC-4, Sheldon wrote:
> Terry Coombs wrote:
> >
> > Â And just enough - mostly Roma - for a double batch of pizza sauce .
> >It's simmering on the back burner even as i type this - I'll post the
> >recipe if any one wants it . I'll let it mellow overnight then make
> >pizza tomorrow . I'm not sure just how much I use per pie , whatever is
> >left will be divided up into appropriate quantities and frozen for later
> >use . The sauce is what takes the time , I simmer it for at least 3 or 4
> >hours . Dough is easier , only needs to be handled briefly twice after
> >measuring into the bread machine .

> Pizza sauce should be cooked very minimally... simmer fresh very ripe
> Romas just enough to pass through a food mill to remove skins and
> seeds, season and place on pizza, sauce will cook in the hot oven.
> Cooking tomato sauce for hours will cause it to caramelize, won't
> taste like tomatoes, won't even be red... then placing it in a hot
> oven for pizza it'll become burnt. Most people over cook tomato sauce
> for pasta too... there're a lot of 'talians afflicted with severe

Caramelized tomatoes: yum. I often fry a little tomato paste to
a nice brown color to add an additional layer of flavor.

Cindy Hamilton


Yep, Lidia B. on tv always recommends and keeps a spot in the skillet for
browning the tomato paste.
