Irma's big blow to Florida's crops
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U.S. Janet B.
external usenet poster
Posts: 5,618
Irma's big blow to Florida's crops
On Wed, 13 Sep 2017 16:47:35 -0300,
>Maybe I sound very cynical but our gas has already zoomed up about 40
>cents a litre since Harvey. I understand the Texan refineries are
>back up and working but our gas has not dropped but then, since we get
>our gas from Venezuela, it's nine tenths of my cynicism. If you see
>what I mean.
>If veggies and fruit are now going to be higher than last winter
>(which was extraordinary price-wise) deal me out, I can live without
>them if need be
I don't know about supplying Nova Scotia, but there is a major
pipeline going all the way north from Texas that was damaged with
Harvey. This pipeline is a biggy and they are not back on line yet.
Is you Venezuelan oil off loaded from a tanker directly to you folks
or is it delivered some other way? Don't know, just wondering.
Apparently Florida off loads from a tanker to trucks. I just assumed
that all oil delivered to N. America was delivered through pipes and
then trucked to depots.
Janet US
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U.S. Janet B.
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