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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default OT Walmart online shopping

On Wednesday, September 13, 2017 at 8:13:18 PM UTC-10, Cheri wrote:
> Maybe you did, but we didn't. We worked hard at menial jobs for many years,
> raised our own kids without government assistance, and paid our own way as
> we went. We didn't buy things we couldn't afford, and we didn't live with
> our parents until we were practically middle aged while buying new expensive
> gadgets ever year or so when last years model still works fine.
> Cheri

Your experience was the same as yours. That's not too relevant. What was the price of housing when your parents bought a house. Less than $10K? How much was it when you left school? $60K? How much was a house when you turned 30? Maybe $120K. Currently, the houses here are going for around $800K. The cost for education and health care has exploded in the last 30 years. Something tells me that you won't be able to afford these things doing menial jobs.

That you dis the kids and call them lazy and frivolous is not surprising. You merely morphed into your parents. They didn't understand the younger generation either. The trend is that the kids will rent or own a condo and not a single family home. Since they won't have house payments, they will have some disposable income. Most of their discretionary will be on the most expensive cell phone they can get their hands on and meeting friends outside their homes and eating out.