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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Small Navy beans

On 2017-09-14, U.S Janet B > wrote:

> those posters say that using a pressure cooker alters either the taste
> or texture of the beans.

I've been thinking about it. I like canned beans, yet I usta work in
a cannery, so I know what it means. It means beans are "pressure
cooked" in a can. Now, does that mean canned beans were originally
"dried" beans or "fresh" beans? I think we've discussed this, before.

All I know, is, I originally bought my pressure cooker primarily to
cook dried beans. The fact I ended up at 8K ft elev, is strickly
coincidental. The first time I tried my new p/c, I pressure cooked dried pinto
beans for the recommended length of time. The texture was "gummy",
IMO. Since I've never experienced this "gummie-ness" in canned beans, I
suspect the beans I've eaten from a can were fresh beans before they
were canned.

Since I love beans and will continue to eat them, I'll either cook 'em
fer 6 hrs OR I'll try to find some fresh beans to pressure cook.
