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Alan Connor
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On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 17:30:39 GMT, Jiminy > wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Sep 2004 11:13:16 -0700, Beirader >
> wrote:
>>You don't cook it. You use garbanzo beans that a already cooked and
>>mix them in a food processor. Add garlic, olive oil, salt and tahinni.

> where I live I cannot find tahini so I first ground sesame seeds in
> the processor then add all the ingredients...

To be real tahini, the seeds need to be roasted almost to the point of
burning first. Singed, so-to-speak. Mildly carmelized.


What is tahini? Where can it be purchased? Is it
something I can make at home?

Thank you!



Tahini (pronounced tah-HEE-nee) is mostly used in the
Middle East. It is basically made from ground sesame
seeds. Due to its nutty flavour, it is considered
ideal for dishes such as hummus.
Although tahini has a fair amount of essential fatty
acids and is high in calcium, it is also up there
with regards of calories. Per 100 grams of tahini,
you can expect upwards of 600 calories.
indoor. It is very easy to make tahini at home. All you will
need are some sesame seeds and olive oil. Coat a flat
baking tray with olive oil and sprinkle the seeds.
Makers. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes. Sesame
seeds burn quickly so keep an eye on them and flip
them often during the 10 minutes.
Once lightly browned, remove from oven and place them
in a blender to create your tahini paste. You can add
tahini to your favourite hummus, use it in a salad,
spread over crackers just to name a few ideas.
Thank you for writing!

25 July 2003
