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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Small Navy beans

On 2017-09-15, jmcquown > wrote:

> You're the one who worked there, couldn't you tell by observation?

We were a small cannery and only ran corn, carrots, and beets. Later
in the season, Hubbard squash. Some of the corn was creamed and some
was frozen as corn/carrot succotash(?). But, it was all fresh outta
the fields before it went into a can.

> Again, I ask: Did you soak the dried beans?

Again, I say: no

> Just because you use a
> pressure cooker with liquid doesn't mean you'll get tender beans. Dried
> beans need to be soaked!


> Soaked beans shouldn't take nearly that long in a pressure cooker.

I didn't pressure cook them nor did I soak them. (again)

> Heck, soaked dried beans (navy or otherwise) don't take that long in
> my crock pot/slow cooker or on the stovetop. And yes, the age of
> that bag of beans does have something to do with it.

Before you blow a vessel, let me jes say, at 8K ft elev, water boils
at about 197°F. That same lb of beans only took a little over an hour
and a half to cook when I lived in the SFBA (elev ~ 450ft).

Need I say more?
