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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default eat your fruits and veggies

"tert in seattle" > wrote in message
> "during 2007-2010, half of the total U.S. population consumed <1 cup
> of fruit and <1.5 cups of vegetables daily; 76% did not meet fruit intake
> recommendations, and 87% did not meet vegetable intake recommendations"
> I ate some strawberries and some delicious tiny orange tomatoes today,
> all of which amounted to less than one cup
> I also had tomato and lettuce on my five guys cheeseburger!
> oh yeah I also had a serving of green beans at lunch

I rarely eat fruit. And by fruit, I mean sweet fruit, not stuff like
tomatoes. For dinner tonight, I made beans, rice, hard shell tacos and
pupusas. Need to work on those. Cook time on the comal is drastically
different than in the skillet. They were burning on the outside and not done
on the inside. I did serve lettuce, tomatoes and olives with. I was going to
serve radishes but ran out of time. No time to slice them.