Thread: On knowing
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Alex Chaihorsky
Posts: n/a

You're in, buddy.


"Mike Petro" > wrote in message
> Please count me in on the thread too if it goes offline as I will also
> need a translator next year...
> Mike
> On Fri, 10 Sep 2004 13:17:21 GMT, Michael Plant >
> cast caution to the wind and posted:
>>Thanks, Alex. We'll talk more for sure. How many days do I get out of my
>>guide-translater for my 50 smackaroos?
>>Alex digy.com9/10/04

>>> You are not going to believe it, but taxi is no problem at all. At the
>>> end
>>> ask for recept (Fa Piao).
>>> They do not expect to be tipped (Beijing) and will give you full change.
>>> Certainly they can take you by the long road, but its so cheap anyway..
>>> I
>>> spent last time a month in Beijing, going everywhere by taxi and when I
>>> got
>>> back and put all the receipts together - it was $120.
>>> Tea - in Beijing my favourite place was a teashop on the last floor of
>>> the
>>> Sanlitun Yashow Clothes Market
>>> 58, North Worker's Stadium,
>>> Chaoyang District, Beijing
>>> The best way I assume you have NO knowledge of Chinese whatsoever) is to
>>> hire a guide-translator (aout 400 Y or $50). But not just anyone - ooyou
>>> will be taken for two rides insted of one. I can reccommend you one if
>>> you
>>> want, closer to the time of your trip.
>>> My knowledge of Chinese was enough to manage on my own.
>>> The rule of thumb (Americans seem to love these) - if you left the tea
>>> shop
>>> and yuou spent around 1,000 yuan, you need help carriying your packets.
>>> If
>>> you can carry them yourself - you 've been had. But with the dollar/yuan
>>> exchage rate (very unfair for Chinese) your are better than OK anyway.
>>> Expect a very good tea like very good Te Guan In be around $10 for a
>>> large
>>> can. Good white fur green tea - $3 a large can.
>>> Some tiny shops in hutongs also have very good tea and very low prices.
>>> Your
>>> Chinese friends can buy it for you.
>>> Ask Mike about Kunmin tea markets - they suppose to be the paradise of
>>> ytea,
>>> I have never been there.
>>> Alex.
>>> "Michael Plant" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Alex igy.com9/10/04
>>>>> If you know what you are doing - China is the best place to buy tea.
>>>>> But in China you can also be taken for a ride like you wouldn't
>>>>> believe.
>>>>> Alex.
>>>> Alex,
>>>> On that note, would you make some suggestions about where to go in
>>>> China.
>>>> I'm planning a trip next year. What are the top tea spots from your
>>>> point
>>>> of
>>>> view? And how best to approach so as not be taken for a ride, except of
>>>> course in a taxi.
>>>> Michael

> Mike Petro
> remove the "filter" in my email address to reply