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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default OT Walmart online shopping

On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 17:27:41 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 9/16/2017 3:22 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 14:27:00 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 9/16/2017 1:03 PM, Ding - Dong Daddy wrote:
>>>> I'm in workforce development, which means I assist low - income folks to get better jobs. You are correct, some are simply not able to function in even a lower - level job. Or, some are content with a lower - level job. I could go on and on about this subject, but I will spare y'all...
>>> I've seen it. I know of a couple of people that are good at their jobs
>>> and have been offered promotion but turned it down. They make enough
>>> money to fill their modest needs and don't want the additional
>>> responsibility. Early in my working life I was sometimes offered
>>> overtime and took what I could get. Others would not work 10 minutes
>>> past their 40 hours no matter how easy the job.

>> Work and money are not that important to everybody.

>True, and no matter how much they earn, some will be in debt so much
>they cannot afford necessities. I know people that have more and do
>more (travel, concerts, etc) than those making double the wage.

I don't think everybody has to be ambitious or money driven, as long
as they hold up their own pants.