On 9/16/2017 7:51 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 19:51:43 GMT, Angela >
> wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>>> On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 09:50:38 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>> On 9/16/2017 7:13 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>>> What's the problem (not your problem, but in general) with having
>>>>> to have a roommate? I had three different roommates when I
>>>>> was younger (four, technically, since I shared an apartment with
>>>>> a boyfriend-girlfriend pair). Two of them were after I divorced
>>>>> my first husband and couldn't make ends meet without them. They
>>>>> were people I already knew, not some stranger answering a classified
>>>>> ad.
>>>>>> Maybe restaurant prices in Michigan have to go up. Maybe certain
>>>>>> things are so cheap because the poor are being exploited. Maybe there
>>>>>> shouldn't be such a thing as a $1 hamburger.
>>>>> Places with a $1 hamburger don't have dishwashers, because they don't
>>>>> have dishes. Places with a $10 hamburger probably pay their dishwashers
>>>>> above-average pay for dishwashers, to be able to hire the very best
>>>>> dishwasher they can.
>>>>> Of course the poor are exploited. That's nothing new. They are less
>>>>> exploited than at any other time in history.
>>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>>> Go back a generation. It was fairly common is some cities for entire
>>>> families to share apartments. It was also common to have
>>>> multi-generation families sharing a house.
>>> Not so long ago, we had slavery.
>> But Bruce, that was much longer ago than one generation.
> I'm not so sure about that!
What it says, in short, is this: According to Gallup surveys of 167
countries, there are 45.8 million slaves worldwide. Walk Free defines a
slave as someone owned, someone working as a forced laborer or
prostitute, someone in debt bondage or in a forced marriage. In a single
country €” India, which is the worst offender €” there are currently 18
and a half million slaves. To put that into perspective, there are six
and a half million more slaves in India right now than were imported to
North America, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean Islands
combined during the entire history of the transatlantic slave trade €”
373 years, from Columbuss discovery of the Americas to the end of the
Civil War.
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