On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 21:18:57 -0700 (PDT), "
> wrote:
>On Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 11:06:56 PM UTC-5, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> We had a wooden smoke stand with 4 carved spindle legs. It was a box
>> on legs basically. There was a door with a pull. The inside was
>> lined with copper. You kept the ash trays, cigarettes, pipes and
>> tobacco in there. The inside of the door had a hanging copper sheet ?
>> that was punched sort of like the rough grating side of your box
>> grater -- that was used to strike the wooden matches. It was a piece
>> of furniture.
>> Janet US
>Wow, that sounds interesting! Was it bought in a store or was this
>a woodworking shop project?
It was a store-bought piece of finished furniture with inlay on the
top, and door. It was dark wood, varnished. Like this:
I searched for 1920s smoking stand
Janet US