Thread: breakfast
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default breakfast

On 9/17/2017 1:33 AM, Cheri wrote:
> I still love the smell of cigarettes in passing someone who has been
> smoking, many people don't, but I do.
> Cheri

Back around 1989 or so I worked with a woman who had quit smoking years
before but hang out in the (outdoor) smoking area just so she could
smell it.

Did you ever read the Stephen King short story, 'The 10 O'clock People'?
It was published in a collection of his stories called 'Nightmares and
Dreamscapes'. 10:00 is a typical smoke break time in offices. Only
people who smoked could see that some of their co-workers had been
replaced with evil bat-like creatures in designer suits. LOL
