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Janet Janet is offline
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Default breakfast

In article >,
> Janet UK, I like the smell of most pipe tobaccos, but hate the smell of cigars.

Cigars, even worse :-(

> My grandpa smoked cigars but I adored him anyway...and also a pipe with
> that tobacco that came in a red slim can with a horse and rider - a jumper - on it.
> I liked the pipe smell.
> I don't mind smelling tobacco on a person I pass on the sidewalk, but hate to be
> stuck sitting next to a cigarette smoker in a waiting area. I soon move my seat,
> if I can.
> It is so odd to see someone smoking in a vehicle...times have really changed.

In UK, there's a total smoking ban in public transport, or in
enclosed public spaces (like, waiting areas).

Smoking is also banned in private vehicles if there's a passenger
under 18.

Janet UK