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dsi1[_17_] dsi1[_17_] is offline
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Default American Cookes (peanut, chocolate etc)

On Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 1:34:40 AM UTC-10, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> How much do papayas cost, compared to apples or bananas? If I remember, I'll
> check to see if I can even get papaya here, and how much it costs.
> Cindy Hamilton

My guess is that papaya might be about the same per pound as bananas. It was my job to go to the market every couple of days to buy some papaya for my 80lb mother-in-law. It was also my job to cook up oatmeal for her in the morning. Extra sugar was my secret. These two things were the only foods that she could reliably eat. There's something about them that makes it suitable for the guts of the aged. I won't speculate on what that is.