Thread: breakfast
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Default breakfast

On Mon, 18 Sep 2017 16:09:58 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>On 9/18/2017 11:45 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 9/18/2017 10:58 AM, Nancy Young wrote:

>>> They've developed a lot of ways to keep people alive but that doesn't
>>> always mean they should, which is why a lot of people feel like they
>>> have to make sure what happened to your friend doesn't happen to them.

>> Do everything you can if I'm going to live reasonably comfortable gain.
>> It I'm just going to be a veggie, let me go.* I probably should draw a
>> line, such as, if I can no longer post to RFC, just let me die.

>That would be an interesting addition to your living will!

Are living wills acceptable in the US? Here they are okay if the
doctor doesn't mind cooperating, but if you have a new from Ireland,
RC pro life doctor (as we did when my David was going to die) he
pointed out that it had no basis in law. Thankfully in that case I
knew who to call and she came and outranked him heavily so life
support was removed (I had begged not to have it in the first place)
When the children and I left a few hours later he confronted me and
said 'I suppose you think you won" so I told him I supposed he better
get out of my way quickly before my knee met his testicles.