Thread: Ground turkey
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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Ground turkey

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in message
> news
>> "Gary" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>> > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>> > I like ground chicken, croquets... but the stench of ground turkey
>>>> > cooking almost rivals the putrid stink of lamb cooking.
>>>> Not true at all.
>>>> Cheri
>>> seriously not true at all. Lamb is almost better than beef to me.
>>> If he smelled some "stench of ground turkey," he just forgot to
>>> clean his meat grinder that day. Everyone has their own tastes
>>> but sounds to me like Sheldon just hasn't figured out how to cook
>>> either turkey or lamb properly. What a putz.

>> Yes, I like it in a loaf with other seasoning and things added, I cover
>> it with foil while baking so it doesn't dry out and it always smells good
>> while cooking. He probably doesn't use seasoning or something, or he
>> doesn't make it at all.

> I tried making meatballs with it once. We could have used them on the
> tennis court.

Then you are not cooking it properly, but no problem since you don't care
for it anyway, some do and some don't.
