On 9/20/2017 9:41 AM, Gary wrote:
> Bruce wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> As far as chemical factories goes, the human body is producing thousands of complex compounds every second. > >We don't know the effect most of these compounds have on our bodies, and perhaps we never will.
>> The fact that we don't know much yet, is even more reason not to eat
>> crazy science projects.
> If you were actually educated and degreed as a chemist and
> specialized in food prep, you might realize the necessity for
> certain chemicals in food. Don't be so paranoid. Eat what you
> like, just not a whole lot of it.
Why are they necessary? For a couple of centuries cakes were made
without them. I made a cake on Sunday. Flour, sugar, milk, eggs,
butter, vanilla, baking powder, salt. No other chemicals and tastes
better than anything from a package.
Necessary usually translates to cheaper, longer lasting, more profitable.
Same with ice cream. Gums are cheaper than mild and fruit. The best
ice cream does not have them.