Thread: Entemann's
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Default Entemann's

>Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>juliebove wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know what happened to this brand? I used to buy the coffee cakes
>>>> years ago. I never liked them but everyone else seemed to. People were known
>>>> to eat a whole box all by themselves. But now? I rarely see the brand. Once
>>>> in a while I see donuts. They seem expensive. About $4 for 6. No way.
>>>> They're not even fresh!!
>>> Easily available here, and JUST as good as they always were.

>>No. they are not. Evidently there are no good bakeries near you.

>I've been getting their products for at least 40 years, AND my taste
>buds are JUST as good as THEY used to be, and no matter WHO owns them,
>they're using the same recipe and ingredients, and the products are
>JUST FINE. If YOU feel differnetly, YOU changed, NOT them.

Your tastebuds are in your rectum. Entenmann's products have changed
for the worse and many are no longer available.