Thread: Entemann's
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Entemann's

On Wed, 20 Sep 2017 09:41:39 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>If you were actually educated and degreed as a chemist and
>specialized in food prep, you might realize the necessity for
>certain chemicals in food. Don't be so paranoid. Eat what you
>like, just not a whole lot of it.

If I buy cinnamon buns, I want the ingredients to be a liquid, a fat,
a yeast, a flour and cinnamon. If they have to organise a whole
science project to give the buns longer shelf life, a stronger
cinnamon flavour, a better colour, the correct consistency, an
attractive sheen, extra sweetness, an anti-coagulating agent and their
own IP address, they can stick the buns in a very dark place, as far
as I'm concerned. And then you can pull them out of that place and
happily consume them. To each their own!