Thread: Entemann's
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Entemann's

Bruce wrote:
> Yes, someone in this newsgroup prefers the fake stuff, because "the
> industry knows how to make it taste good". I'm not naming any names,
> but he loves ferrets.

Hi Brucie (wink, wink)

John Kuthe also loves ferrets, don't you know?

I don't prefer "the fake stuff" food but I'm also not
so paranoid about it as you seem to be. You go on and on about
ingredient lists and preach to others about the evils.

You sound like one of those reformed smokers, drinkers or even
a born again christian. You constantly preach to others
here about whatever you have given up. The most annoying
class of people.

As far as loving ferrets, that's not true. I still like
meat but won't eat ferrets. Fantastic for companions but
I won't eat them.

Go kill some wild dogs. You obviously have way too much time
on your hands trying to preach nutrition to others.

Do what you choose for yourself. From there, mind your own

Hey...I enjoy your posts even when they are against me but this
ingredient list posting is getting a bit old and worn out.
Maybe time to pick a new mission in life (or on RFC)