On 2017-09-21, jmcquown > wrote:
> My mother bought it when we were kids, trying to save money.....
Been down that road.
Even worse, I hadda drink powdered milk --again!-- when I was in my
late teens. In the USAF, I got stationed in Lybia NA (pre-Gaddafi)
and we hadda drink "reconstituted" (read "powdered") milk. It was so
bad, ya' hadda choose chocolate milk cuz the white stuff was
absolutely horrible.
OTOH, a small carton of USAF recon milk (yes, even came in half-pint
cartons) and a loaf of locally made bread (looked like a Bánh mi
baguette) may have been one of the best tasting food combos I ever
ate. Trouble was, this particular combo --no matter how good it may
have tasted-- would have you dashing fer the latrine within 15 mins.
True tale.