What is "plain flour"?
On 22 Sep 2017 17:38:21 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>This is a question fer you Limey's. What IS "plain flour"?
>I'm looking at a hot water crust recipe from Paul Hollywood, one of
>the "masters" of the Great Brit Baking Show. It says "450g plain
>flour" plus "100g bread flour". I get "bread flour" and thought
>"plain flour" might be what we call all-purpose flour (APF). So, I go
>to the link provided and get a BBC page that explains "plain flour" is
>soft flour. Sounds like it might be pastry flour (or Wht Lilly or Martha
>Wht) flour. Yes? No?
>I looked at the link fer "white bread" flour and it comes up sounding like
>APF. Yes? No?
>So I guess the question is: what is "plain" flour and what is "white
>bread" flour?
All-Purpose Flour. I believe the Brits indicate high gluten flour as
"strong' flour
Janet US