In article >, FujiGirl
> wrote:
> my fellow beer lovers swear this is the best trappist ever made. since i
> [and my partner] love trappist it's inevitable we must make that trip down
> south [210km] and get a few of these from the monastery one of these days.
> they no longer sell it to the shops, you see. my current trappist
> favourites are Rochefort 8 and Gouden Carolus. yours?
I am in the US and have not seen any Westvleteren...(there is a store
in Florida that has it sometimes and I will be checking that store out
My favorite Trappist beer, and favorite of any beer I have tried, is
Orval. (To properly enjoy Orval one must let it warm up a bit after
being taken from the fridge, this brings out the banana flavors)
There is also a great ber from Germany that is similar to some of the
Trappist ales even though its not, is the stornger version of Aventinus
called Aventinus Eisbock, a great concentrated Double Wheat Bock....if
one likes a good trappist ale they will love Aventinus eisbock, if they
can find it. i just had a bottle the other day for the first time, and
it's heaven on earth.