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Casa de Masa Casa de Masa is offline
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Default How to tenderize beef?

On 9/22/2017 1:01 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 9:05:24 AM UTC-10, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>> No, they used bromeliad

> I read an account of life in Hawaii during the war. A club in Waikiki would lay their steaks on beds of pineapple peels as a way of tenderizing them. While they were waiting for the meat to come around, they drank. My guess is that they drank a lot.

South African BBQ uses pineapple juice to tenderize too.

To "braai" or barbeque (Bar-B-Q) meat is a South African tradition. We
usually do it once or twice a week, probably more. It's a chance to get
your friends and/or family together, sip some wine or down a couple of
cold ones.

In this Instructable, I am going to show you how, with a little
preparation and some scientific genius, you can "braai" like an expert
and serve up the most succulent meat.

What you will need:
Some red meat, preferably rump, fillet or sirloin. I got rump.
Some Pineapple juice
Some Balsamic Vinegar
Other Spices

Even cheap chuck steak is awesome done this way!

> As it goes, pineapple juice works great as a tenderizer. What won't work at all is canned pineapple juice. The canning process destroys the enzyme that works on the meat. You have to use fresh pineapple or you can use green papaya. The Koreans use kiwifruit or Korean pear in marinade to tenderize meat. These days the Koreans mostly use it for taste or tradition. They don't really need to tenderize their meat in these times.

That Asian pear is good stuff - as is almost everything Korean.