Thread: Target Cafe
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Target Cafe

"dsi1" > wrote in message
On Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 10:42:58 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
> The Target stores in this area all seem to be doing away with their cafes
> and putting in Starbucks. Eek! I so enjoyed having a Diet Coke and popcorn
> while I shopped. Wah. No more. I don't care for the other changes they are
> making either. Such as clothing and kitchen stuff. Doesn't appeal.
> Do the Target stores in your area still have the cafe?

The newish Target in the area has a Starbucks. They also have a snack bar
that does sell popcorn and hot dogs. I wish they served burgers so I can
have a seat and feed my face. They obviously don't want to be frying foods
in the joint as that would offend the noses of the gentle shoppers.

My wife and daughter go gaga over Target so I often have to wait around for
them. The other day I parked myself in from of the checkout lines and waited
and watched for their emergence from the fray. The patrons probably thought
I was security.


For a while, ours served fries. Horrible things, reheated in I think the
microwave on one of those silver tray things.