My Poll
On 9/23/2017 12:56 PM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 11:22:02 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
>> On Saturday, September 23, 2017 at 12:43:48 PM UTC-4, Casa de Masa wrote:
>>> On 9/23/2017 10:30 AM, U.S. Janet B. wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 03:05:29 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> This is the poll about standing rib roast and Yorkshire pudding. Two
>>>>> responses so far. Neither knew what Yorkshire pudding was. One said he had
>>>>> to look it up. He does know what a standing rib roast is but said it is
>>>>> expensive so has never eaten it. The other also didn't know what the roast
>>>>> was. She said she asked a bunch of people and neither had heard of either.
>>>>> Will post more results as they pour in.
>>>> your poll simply paints a picture of you and your group.
>>> SFW?
>>> Is there a _problem_ with that?
>> Not, you know, like electing the President by having all of her
>> Facebook friends do the voting, but it's just stupid. She can
>> ask anybody she wants, and the results are essentially meaningless.
>> She'll get the answer she wants because she's selecting her
>> friends, and people tend to aggregate with people who are similar.
>> It would be better to use a search engine such as duckduckgo and
>> get a rough idea of how many people in the U.S. know what Yorkshire
>> pudding is or have eaten it.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> sorry, I have what's his name blocked so I'm tagging on here.
Why not, everyone else does!
> Apparently Casa doesn't know anything about polling.
I know plenty about it, thank you dear!
> We tend to hang
> with like minded people so asking and expecting to get a reasonable
> mix of answers different than our own is not likely.
So you posit that Julie's crowd is analogous to your own, or anyone
else's here?
That's mental!
> Even choosing a
> Facebook group means that you are choosing a group that is like
> yourself.
> Even the questions asked can be skewed to give the results
> that you want.
And national pollsters are uniformly immune to this "push-polling" tactic?
> That's why surveys are handled by professionals.
> Janet US
IS there _anything_ about THIS group you see as "professional?!?!
Or deserving of "professional" polling?
Come on!